The Dr. Vibe Show™

LeRon L. Barton is a writer from Kansas City, MO currently living in San Francisco, Ca. A graduate of Paseo Academy of Fine Arts, LeRon is the author of two books, “Straight Dope: A 360 degree look into American Drug Culture” and “All We Really Need Is Love: Stories of Dating, Relationships, Heartbreak, and Marriage.” In addition to the books, LeRon is an essayist; whose topics cover racism, mass incarceration, politics, gender, and dating. These works have appeared in Salon, The Good Men Project, Elephant Journal, East Bay Times, and MoAD.

Recently, Mr. Barton was on our show talking about his article Why I don’t code switch.

During the conversation, Mr. Barton talked about:

– Why he wrote the article
– What is code switching and is code switching a good thing
– If he have any challenges with the way he speaks
– “The most popular Black people today are not know for their intellect.” LeRon
– Code switching in the presence of Blacks
– Code switching vs. having vocabulary
– If Black have to make whites feel comfortable

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe