Sun, 22 May 2011
Justin Norwood is a 26 year old Black men who was born in the state of Mississippi who know lives in Atlanta, Georgia. He is currently employed in the educational field. During this episode, Justin talks and shares about a recent article that he wrote, "5 Things Every Black Man Should Know How To Do". You can read the article by clicking on the following url: Justin goes into further depth about each of the "5 Things", why he wrote the article, why Black men don't go to church, the state of Black men, suggestions for parents on how to raise young Black men and how to help Black men. Here is information if you wish to contact Jason: (Email) (blog) Please feel free to email us at If you live in North America, you can leave us a message at 1-866-280-9385 (toll free). Please feel free to "Like" the "The Vibe and Vegas Show" Facebook fan page at God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith, Vibe and Vegas info@blackcanadianman.comPodcastTwitter"The Vibe and Vegas Show" Facebook Fan PageiTunes
Category:Citizen Journalism -- posted at: 9:43pm EST |