The Dr. Vibe Show™

The 2018 Men’s and Women’s Summit On Masculinity in Toronto on November 18, 2018:

– It is a one-day coed event featuring 7 stellar speakers
– Features a vendor area to meet the top Men’s Organizations in Toronto
– Allows you to learn more about yourself and how you can be the contribution to your relationships, community, and experience greater success and freedom
– Provide the opportunity to leverage the Summit as a resource to transform yourself and your community
– Connects you with a community of like-minded Men and Women who want to live better lives
– Dr. Warren Farrell is the Keynote speaker for this year’s Men’s and Women’s Summit on Masculinity. Dr. Farrell will be talking about The Boy Crisis

Two of the speakers at this year’s summit are Beth Ostrander and Bryan Duarte.

Dr. Vibe recently had the opportunity to speak with Beth and Bryan.

During our conversation, they talked about:

– Some of their backgrounds, how they started working together and their ah-ha moment when it comes to helping people with their sexuality
– Some of the highlights of their upcoming talk at the Summit Re-Alining Intimacy In The Bedroom: What You Didn’t You Didn’t Know and how it how it ties into masculinity
– “We need to have a new conversation when it comes to masculinity.” Beth

You can contact Beth via:

Gourmet Sex Life

You can contact Brian via:


For more information about The 2018 Men’s and Women’s Summit on Masculinity including how to attend in person or viewing the Summit online, the VIP Event – an evening with Dr. Warren Farrell on Saturday Night November 17th (an interactive evening with Dr. Farrell and other leaders working together on addressing issues facing our sons) and who will be speaking during the Summit on Sunday, November 18th, please click here.

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe