The Dr. Vibe Show™
Aisha, Julie B. and L.A.

All Our Own is live international audio conversation for Generation X Women of Color.

It is a safe space where Gen X Women of Color can discuss their issues with input from women of color from other generations. However, Generation X women are at the center of the conversation.

The regular panelists are: Aisha Staggers Julissa Borbon and L.A. Wade.

Recently, the All Our Own ladies hosted the conversation Taking Care of Self: Women of Color, Self-care, Health, Wellness and Healing.

Dawn Ellen Morris

The ladies special guest was: Dawn Ellen Morris. Ms. Morris is a Master Personal Trainer Wellness Coach from the greater Chicago area.

During the conversation, the ladies talked about:

– The All Our Own ladies do a check in
– Dawn shares some of her story
– The All Our Own ladies share fitness and weight challenges and Dawn gives her takes on self care
– Some great quotes from Dawn: “Those who don’t have time for exercise now will have time for exercise later.” “We are not dyeing quickly. We are dying young.” “I don’t say diet. I say eat right.” “Healthy eating does not have to be boring.”
– Dawn talks about curvy vs. overweight
– Why do Black women question their shapely, beautiful body?
– White women appropriating Black women’s features
– The ladies to a healthy food quiz

You can contact Ms. Morris via:


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#AllOurOwnShow (Twitter)

You can contact Aisha Staggers via:


You can contact Julissa Borbon via:


You can contact L.A. Wade via:


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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe