Fri, 22 July 2022
Black Canada Talking™ is a live online event that provides Black Canadians opportunity to give their takes and POVs on stories that are of importance to them. On today’s edition of Black Canada Talking™, the scheduled guests are: El Jones and Cesar Ndema-Moussa. Some of the topics that they will be talking about are: – Toronto police apology to Blacks Visit The Dr. Vibe Show™ at You can contact El Jones via: You can contact Cesar Ndema-Moussa via: Please feel free to email us at Subscribe to The Dr. Vibe Show™ YouTube channel here Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook Fan Page here God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Direct download: THE_DR._VIBE_SHOW_-_BLACK_CANADA_TALKING_-_JUNE_19_-_2022_-_Edit_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:28pm EST |
Wed, 20 July 2022
![]() Aisha K. Staggers had her first major publication, an album review, in The New Haven Register while just a sophomore in high school. Another series of reviews published in The Hartford Courant followed. By the time she reached college, Aisha was writing for the literary magazine and interning at a local radio station, ABC-affiliate as a writer in the news department and in the A&R department of an independent record company. As a graduate student at Fisk University, Aisha asked Dr. Raymond Winbush to chair her thesis because 1) he was one of the most renowned voices in black culture and academia, and 2) he was a Prince fan. His scholarship and guidance led Aisha to an early career as a professor of social sciences and later an administrator in higher education. Aisha has also served as a director of education and policy research centers and on the staff of legislative commissions. She previously served on the Executive Board of the CT Young Democrats’ Women’s Caucus, an avid campaigner and has remained active in politics and public policy. Ms. Jones is an activist, feminist, and a former collaborator with Paisley Park. During the July 9, 2022 episode of State Of Things With Aisha & Jill, the ladies talked about: – Video of Jayland Walker shooting leaves questions, outrage in Akron You can find more about Ms. Staggers via: Twitter You can find out more about Ms. Jones via: Twitter Visit The Dr. Vibe Show™ at Please feel free to email us at Subscribe to The Dr. Vibe Show™ YouTube channel here Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook Fan Page here God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Direct download: THE_DR._VIBE_SHOW_-_STATE_OF_THINGS_WITH_AISHA__JILL_-_JULY_9_-_2022_-_AUDIO_-_EDIT_-_128_kbps.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:12pm EST |
Mon, 18 July 2022
Sid McNairy is the Architect of the Art of Peaceful Living, and a Spiritualist in every sense of the word. Sid has transformed himself to help others find the relationship(s) to connect to your highest and best self. Sid is here to help people find discipline in their walk with meditation, yoga and self discovery to know how to access peace and joy in every way. While on the journey to the Art of Peaceful Living individuals experience making a master piece of their lives, while gaining access to abundance to move forward for all. Sid McNairy is a Teacher of Teachers, Coach to Coaches, as he Walks the Walk of Peace. Sid’s work is widely known internationally as he has touched lives on every continent. International Best Selling Author of six books. Sid and Liz McNairy are co-writing the next book The Search for the Perfect Wave. Recently, Sid was on our show talking about Steps On The Journey To Peace. During our conversation, Sid talked about: – His creativity You can contact Sid via: The Art of Peaceful Living Visit The Dr. Vibe Show™ at Please feel free to email us at Subscribe to The Dr. Vibe Show™ YouTube channel here Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook Fan Page here God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Direct download: THE_DR._VIBE_SHOW_-_SID_McNAIRY_-_STEPS_ON_THE_JOURNEY_TO_PEACE_-_JULY_12_-_2022_-_Audio_Edit_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:44am EST |
Thu, 14 July 2022
![]() Aisha K. Staggers had her first major publication, an album review, in The New Haven Register while just a sophomore in high school. Another series of reviews published in The Hartford Courant followed. By the time she reached college, Aisha was writing for the literary magazine and interning at a local radio station, ABC-affiliate as a writer in the news department and in the A&R department of an independent record company. As a graduate student at Fisk University, Aisha asked Dr. Raymond Winbush to chair her thesis because 1) he was one of the most renowned voices in black culture and academia, and 2) he was a Prince fan. His scholarship and guidance led Aisha to an early career as a professor of social sciences and later an administrator in higher education. Aisha has also served as a director of education and policy research centers and on the staff of legislative commissions. She previously served on the Executive Board of the CT Young Democrats’ Women’s Caucus, an avid campaigner and has remained active in politics and public policy. Ms. Jones is an activist, feminist, and a former collaborator with Paisley Park. On the June 25, 2022 episode of State Of Things With Aisha & Jill, the topics that the ladies will be talked were: – U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, leaving abortion rights up to states You can find more about Ms. Staggers via: Twitter You can find out more about Ms. Jones via: Twitter Visit The Dr. Vibe Show™ at Please feel free to email us at Subscribe to The Dr. Vibe Show™ YouTube channel here Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook Fan Page here God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Direct download: THE_DR._VIBE_SHOW_-_STATE_OF_THINGS_WITH_AISHA__JILL_-_JUNE_25_2022_-_AUDIO_-_EDIT_-_128_kbps.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:43pm EST |
Wed, 13 July 2022
Black Canada Talking™ is a live online event that provides Black Canadians opportunity to give their takes and POVs on stories that are of importance to them. On the June 26, 2022 edition of Black Canada Talking™, our guest was Janice Bartley. Janice is the founder of Foodprenuer Lab based in Toronto. With over three decades of entrepreneurial experience, she actively assists in providing access, particularly for women, to funding and information. Prior to starting Foodprenuer Lab, Janice supported similar program initiatives such as HER Startup, a program that helps minority refugee women arriving in Canada. Through the Syrian Canadian Foundation and Jumpstart Refugee Talent, groups of five to ten women in the program graduate with access to business training by corporate partners and venture capital, seed funding of at least $100,000 CAD and one-year incubation participation along with access to a business consultant. During our conversation, Janice talked about: – How Foodpreneur Lab started You can find out more about Janice via: Foodprenuer Lab Visit The Dr. Vibe Show™ at Please feel free to email us at Subscribe to The Dr. Vibe Show™ YouTube channel here Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook Fan Page here God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Direct download: THE_DR._VIBE_SHOW_-_BLACK_CANADA_TALKING_-_JUNE_26_-_2022_-_AUDIO_-_EDIT_-_128_kbps.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:25pm EST |
Sat, 9 July 2022
![]() Aisha K. Staggers had her first major publication, an album review, in The New Haven Register while just a sophomore in high school. Another series of reviews published in The Hartford Courant followed. By the time she reached college, Aisha was writing for the literary magazine and interning at a local radio station, ABC-affiliate as a writer in the news department and in the A&R department of an independent record company. As a graduate student at Fisk University, Aisha asked Dr. Raymond Winbush to chair her thesis because 1) he was one of the most renowned voices in black culture and academia, and 2) he was a Prince fan. His scholarship and guidance led Aisha to an early career as a professor of social sciences and later an administrator in higher education. Aisha has also served as a director of education and policy research centers and on the staff of legislative commissions. She previously served on the Executive Board of the CT Young Democrats’ Women’s Caucus, an avid campaigner and has remained active in politics and public policy. Ms. Jones is an activist, feminist, and a former collaborator with Paisley Park. The ladies were joined by Laura “LaLa” Key. The topics that the ladies will be talking about tonight are: – The January 6th hearings You can find more about Ms. Staggers via: Twitter You can find out more about Ms. Jones via: Twitter Visit The Dr. Vibe Show™ at Please feel free to email us at Subscribe to The Dr. Vibe Show™ YouTube channel here Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook Fan Page here God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Direct download: THE_DR._VIBE_SHOW_-_STATE_OF_THINGS_WITH_AISHA__JILL_-_JUNE_18_2022_-_AUDIO_-_EDIT_-_128_kbps.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:22pm EST |