The Dr. Vibe Show™

Emille M. Bryant is the author of Start With A Sparkle and the innovator of Brazen Creativity. As an author and innovator, Emille tirelessly seeks ways to share his insight into leadership, motivation, self-development and creativity. He is a passionate advocate of independent thinking and believes America’s edge in business, conflict resolution, military engagement and humanitarian endeavors is in its ability to draw on multiple perspectives and points of view at will. His engagement requires a level of in-depth thinking and willingness to confront personal and collective fears that unlock the power of an individual and organization.

Emille is a natural problem solver. While in the Air Force, he had to see beyond the problems presented by a lack of resources, austere locations and must-do mission. Daily, he was surrounded by Airmen, both young and old, whose dedication and professionalism were his greatest assets. By listening, learning and then sharing his insight, he led multiple teams to amazing success, turning around two organizations that were headed down the wrong path. When faced with a chance to solve problems while deployed, Emille led his teams to unprecedented success, breaking records in the number of missions supported and the reliability of the aircraft entrusted to his care.

During his military career, Emille was stationed at six locations between the US, Portugal and Japan, settling in the Washington DC area after his retirement from active duty in 2012. Pope Air Force Base, NC, where both of his children were born (1994 – 1998), Maxwell Air Force Base, AL (1998 – 2001), Lajes Field, Azores (2001 – 2003), Yokota Air Base, Japan (2003 – 2005), Dyess Air Force Base, TX (2006 – 2008) and Andrews Air Force Base, MD (2008 – Present). He has deployed to southwest Asia in support of ongoing operations as well as numerous countries in Asia, Africa and Europe.

Sparked by a desire to share the wisdom he gained over 24 years in uniform, Emille released his first book, entitled Start With A Sparkle, in September 2014 which transformed his life. Writing fulfilled the first element of his powerful vision to share the concept of IKIGAI—a Japanese word that translates to “the reason why you wake up each morning”. This powerful concept changed the trajectory of every aspect of his life. Focusing on IKIGAI unlocked Emille’s creative potential, especially while working to build the small business that employed him at the time. Because that position was open to innovation, Emille flourished. Combining his military experience and logistics prowess with focused team-building and communication, Emille helped build a Center of Excellence from the ground up.

While working in corporate America, Emille traveled the United States to launch his book. He shared it on a nationwide tour going from Seattle to Atlanta, eight cities in total, speaking in libraries, cafes and classrooms. From that experience, he learned that a book was not enough…people were clamoring for interactive content and something they could access on the web. After speaking with hundreds of people from all across America, Emille saw the need to help people express both their IKIGAI and their creativity. Thus was born his latest project, Awaken to Brazen Creativity. Brazen Creativity is a lifestyle that emphasizes no adult needs any human being’s permission be their best self and that being one’s best leads to original thought and unmatched innovation. Awaken to Brazen Creativity is the first salvo in an ongoing effort to highlight the power of IKIGAI in creativity, it will encourage the learner to shed the restrictions offered by society, family and social convention that prevent each of us from tapping into and offering our best ideas on behalf of our work, home and financial endeavors.

After serving for many years in government and corporate America, Emille made a decision to harness his expertise to build Emille Bryant Presents, his newest business venture highlighting his work as an author, speaker and innovator. For more information on his published work, Start With A Sparkle, or his latest web series, Awaken to Brazen Creativity, visit

Recently, Mr. Bryant was live on our show talking about The Self-Directed Life, It’s Definition And Influences.

During our conversation, Mr. Bryant talked about:

– Life growing up in Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington and what his parents taught him
– Growing up with an insatiable curiosity and where it has taken him
– Having two families that absolutely loved him and where did he learn about empathy
– Why did he get involved in the military
– Graduating from high school with two full scholarships worth $350,000 in 1988
– “You should never ask someone to go to their school.”
– The definition of the self-directed life, how he entered the self-directed life and what it is all about
– The lack of thinking in America and the importance of reflection
– Common barriers that people encounter when they are trying to reach a self-directed life and society gets in the way of someone achieving a self-directed life
– His first big win when he started leading a self-directed life
– Some of the wins one will get when they start leading a self-directed life

You can find out more about Mr. Bryant via:

Phone: (571) 210-5867

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

The panelists for last Sunday’s show were: Melvin LarsRyan Singh and LeRon Barton.

The panelists commented on the following stories:

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Dallas Mavericks – Inside The Corrosive Workplace Culture

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Why The NRA Is So Powerful On Capitol Hill, By The Numbers

The Dr. Vibe Show™: The Reality Of Whiteness

The Dr. Vibe Show™: When Therapy Is A Comfort

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Strong Black Men Are Victims Of Assault, Too

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

Direct download: THE_DR._VIBE_SHOW_-_DO_YOU_KNOW_WHAT_TIME_IT_IS_-_FEBRUARY_25_-_2018.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:06am EST

From humble beginnings to a prosperous life. Rodney Kellum has discovered the power of Speaking Life into existence. In addition to accomplishing some major milestones such as playing Division I basketball, being internationally recognized by CNN for the book he Co-authored titled What Yo Nayme Iz: What Not To Name Your Child, and launching Speak Life Inspirational Speaking. Rodney has learned the extremely valuable lesson that his most important work is done at home as husband and father.

Life changed for Rodney when he was forced to choose between his then dream job, and his then very young first child Randall. Once Rodney chose Randall over his what he thought was his dream job his paradigm shifted, and Fatherhood became his inspiration for doing everything that he now does.

When you hear Rodney Kellum speak, you will learn the tools to go from Motivation to Inspiration, as well as the absolute power you have to create the life that you want beginning with carefully choosing and speaking life changing words.

Rodney Kellum is based out of the Atlanta area, and is available for booking of your special event.

Over the next few weeks, The Dr. Vibe Show™ will be hosting the Speak Life Series. During these conversations, Rodney will sharing about various subjects including fatherhood, faith, manhood and rejecting mediocrity and accepting greatness.

On episode of the Speak Life Series, Rodney will be talking about Hey Daddy What’s Next?.

During the conversation, Rodney talks about:

– The things that you need to do if you are a father for the first time after the baby arrives (love, sustain, nuture and protect)
– How he overcame the sustainer challenge

You can find out more about Rodney via:

Speak Life International Speaking
Speak Life International Speaking – Facebook

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Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook fan page here

God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

Chetachi A. Egwu is a Nigerian American professor, writer/producer, filmmaker, dancer/choreographer, artist and actor .She earned a BA in Communication from the University of Buffalo in 1996, then moved on to Howard University in Washington, DC, where she completed a Masters and Ph.D. in Mass Communication.

Dr. Egwu has served as a faculty member in the communication departments at Morgan State University, The George Washington University and Nova Southeastern University. She is currently communication faculty at the University of Maryland University College.

Her work has been featured in academic journals, newspapers and online publications such as The Grio and The Burton Wire, her creative nature reaches beyond writing. Dr. Egwu is also a dancer/choreographer and was a member of Carla and Company, Coyaba Dance Theater, Choreographers Collaboration Project in Washington DC and featured in several other projects. An avid filmmaker, she is currently co-producer and co-director for the documentaries Runway Afrique and No Justice, No Peas: Getting A Veggie In The Hood, and co-producer, director and cinematographer for the documentary Sunshine Chic. Dr. Egwu also is the host of MediaScope on the streaming platforms Periscope, Facebook Live and Instagram live on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. Eastern.

Recently, Dr. Egwu was on our show talking about Black Panther From A Media Standpoint.

During our conversation, Dr. Egwu talked about:

– Her reaction when she first heard about the movie
– Until the movie Black Panther, how did comic books handle Black imagery
– Why did Disney release Black Panther now
– The media response to the movie
– The fact that Disney did the majority of advertising of the movie via social media
– How the movie been a game changer in regards to the media
– The impact the movie has had on the relationship between the media and Blacks and the impact on Black film production
– How did she feel before the movie, during the movie and after the movie
– The relationship between Africans and African Americans in the movie
– The legacy of the movie
– The ways can Marvel help Blacks who support the movie
– The portrayal of Black women in the movie
– The fact that people who are not of color are not talking about the movie
– Her message to people of color who want to create a Black Panther

You can connect with Dr. Egwu via:


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Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook fan page here

God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

From humble beginnings to a prosperous life. Rodney Kellum has discovered the power of Speaking Life into existence. In addition to accomplishing some major milestones such as playing Division I basketball, being internationally recognized by CNN for the book he Co-authored titled What Yo Nayme Iz: What Not To Name Your Child, and launching Speak Life Inspirational Speaking. Rodney has learned the extremely valuable lesson that his most important work is done at home as husband and father.

Life changed for Rodney when he was forced to choose between his then dream job, and his then very young first child Randall. Once Rodney chose Randall over his what he thought was his dream job his paradigm shifted, and Fatherhood became his inspiration for doing everything that he now does.

When you hear Rodney Kellum speak, you will learn the tools to go from Motivation to Inspiration, as well as the absolute power you have to create the life that you want beginning with carefully choosing and speaking life changing words.

Rodney Kellum is based out of the Atlanta area, and is available for booking of your special event.

Over the next few weeks, The Dr. Vibe Show™ will be hosting the Speak Life Series. During these conversations, Rodney will sharing about various subjects including fatherhood, faith, manhood and rejecting mediocrity and accepting greatness.

On the first episode of the Speak Life Series Rodney talked about the first part of the Fatherhood series, She’s pregnant now what?.

During the conversation, Rodney talked about:

– Some of things that men think when they find out that they have a first child on the way and how to handle the internal challenges the event brings
– Some suggestions on how new father can provide for his family, what is the man’s part in the process (support of the lady is key) and the fact that the new father be present during the birth
– How he did not have support when his children were born
– The fact that it is natural for the man to be alone during the process
– Different places that fathers to be can get support
– If his message different for younger first time fathers versus older first time fathers
– His thoughts on the fact many men are becoming first time fathers later in life

You can find out more about Rodney via:

Speak Life International Speaking
Speak Life International Speaking – Facebook

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Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook fan page here

God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

The panelists for last Sunday’s show were: Melvin LarsRyan SinghJim Kennedy and Galen Bingham.

The panelists will be commented on the following stories:

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Despite Diversity Initiatives, Black CEOs Are Nearly Extinct Among Fortune 500 Companies

The Dr. Vibe Show™: LeBron James – ‘I Am More Than An Athlete’

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Why Marvel’s Black Panther Is Detached From Real Black History

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Black Panther – Why The Relationship Between Africans And Black Americans Is So Messed Up

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Why America Can’t Get Over Slavery, Its Greatest Shame

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

Direct download: THE_DR._VIBE_SHOW_-_DO_YOU_KNOW_WHAT_TIME_IT_IS_-_FEBRUARY_18_-_2018.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:25am EST

Darcel Rockett is a writer, journalist and curious soul — the latter informing the former. Her curious nature has led her to write for news organizations in Los Angeles, Phoenix, London and the Virgin Islands. She brought her love of storytelling back home to Chicago in 2005 where she has worked for CBS 2 Chicago and currently the Chicago Tribune, where she’s served as a digital editor and writer for the past eight years.

Ms. Rockett was live on our show talking about her article Dating while black: Not enough black men? Dating tips for single parents.

During our conversation, Ms. Rockett talked about:

– Some of her background including growing up in Normal, Illinois and her travels around the world
– When did she find out that journalism would be her jouney
– Her parents support of her travelling around the world and what her journeys have taught her
– How did she get the gig as the digital editor at the Chicago Tribune
– The story behind the article
– The reaction to dating from a single Black male and woman that are featured in the article
– Some of the challenges that Black single parents face with dating
– The responses to the article

You can find out more about Ms. Rockett via:


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Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook fan page here

God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

Aisha K. Staggers has been writing since middle school. She had her first major publication in her local newspaper’s entertainment section while a sophomore in high school, a publication in another state paper followed. Aisha has been contributing to various paper, magazines and textbooks for over 15 years.

In addition to her time as an instructor of social sciences in higher education, Aisha has served as a director of education and policy research centers, and on the staff of legislative commissions. Aisha previously served on the Executive Board of the CT Young Democrats Women’s Caucus and has remained active in politics and public policy. She is an alumni of Albertus Magnus College and Fisk University where she earned Bachelor’s in Communications and Master’s Degree in Psychology, respectively, and completed the Education Policy Fellowship Program in 2008.

Currently, Aisha is Senior Editor for BookTrib, a division of the literary public relations firm, Meryl Moss Media and a HuffPost contributor. In addition to her own work, Aisha has written liner notes for a Prince tribute album, I Wish U Heaven released December 25 and available on YouTube. In 2018, she will be contributing to scholarly work on Prince and the Minneapolis Sound and sitting on an NYU panel for a conference commemorating the 30th anniversary of his Lovesexy album.

While Aisha enjoys writing about music, she feels the most critical discussions we can have today are centered around race and intersectionality because “you can’t fix a problem you don’t acknowledge, and not acknowledging the plight of women of color and specifically Black women is a problem.”

Recently, Ms. Staggers was on our show talking about:

– The recent interview of Quincy Jones by Vulture magazine where he talked about Michael Jackson, Beatles, hip hop, Richard Pryor, Frank Sinatra, James Ingram, Brothers Johnson, Tevin Campbell and Ivanka Trump
– Justin Timberlake’s Prince tribute during the halftime performance at the most recent Super Bowl
– How Black women’s bodies are being disgraced and treated as unacceptable, her concerns about Michael Rapaport and the invisibility of Black women
– If Black women have any other friends other than Black women?

You can find more about Ms. Staggers via:

Atlanta Black Star
YouTube – I Wish U Heaven – Prince Tribute Playlist

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

Direct download: THE_DR._VIBE_SHOW_-_AISHA_K._STAGGERS_-_FEBRUARY_7_-_2018.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:38am EST

Robin Koerner is a political and economic commentator for the Huffington Post, Independent Voter Network, and other outlets. He holds graduate degrees in both Physics and the Philosophy of Science from the University of Cambridge (U.K.). He is British born, and recently became a citizen of the USA. A decade ago, he founded, an organization of over 200 volunteers that translates and posts in English views about the USA from all over the world.

Robin may be best known for having coined the term “Blue Republican” to refer to liberals and independents who joined the GOP to support Ron Paul’s bid for the presidency in 2012 (and, in so doing, launching the largest coalition that existed for that candidate).

Robin’s current work as the author of the book If You Can Keep It and as a trainer and a consultant focuses on bringing people together across political divisions, with a view to winning supporters for good causes, rather than just arguments. He is driven by the conviction that more unites us as people and as Americans than divides us as partisans, and if we can find common ground and understand the forces that really drive political change, then “We the People” will be able to do what the Founders implored us to do – maintain our natural rights against power and its abuse. As he says, people and their well-being are the only legitimate ends of politics.

Recently, Mr. Koerner was on our show talking about his article The Cure for Toxic Masculinity Is Real Masculinity.

During our conversation, Mr. Koerner talked about:

– Some of his background including being born in England, his education
– His desire to pursue education and desire to become an American and the process he went through to become an American citizen
– The fact it is becoming harder for men to be men and for men to be masculine
– How the term “toxic masculinity” should not be used
– What women have told him about their experiences with some men and the effects of this behaviour has had on boys
– Holding the feminine and truly masculine sacred


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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

Dr. Kami J. Anderson has published extensively in both English and Spanish in scholarly and trade journals as well as in national US news publications. She has traveled to 17 countries across the globe for academic and professional endeavors. She is a strong advocate for study abroad in particular for students of color. A loving mother to four wonderful, bilingual children, Kami has a vested interest in the construction of identity with bilingualism. She has published the book, Language, Identity and Choice: Raising Bilingual Children in a Global Society (2015, Lexington Books) which talks about her own experiences raising her children bilingual.

Recently, Dr. Anderson was live on our show talking about Blacks Traveling And Living Abroad.

During our conversation, Dr. Anderson talked about:

– How did travel become part of her life
– The story on how she began to offer travel to others
– Some of the challenges with getting Black kids to travel and how parents and kids mindsets have changed over travelling abroad
– The trips that are easier to execute the fact that more Blacks are travelling abroad
– More travel companies of color marketing to people of color
– Some of special moments during her journey
– How does she balance her life
– What has her experience overseas taught her
– How does she choose her travel destinations and the work that it takes to make a trip happen
– What are Blacks missing if they don’t travel abroad
– How a trip changed one of the student’s life
– Some pushback that she has received
– If there is anything she would have done different
– Would she like to have her family in a foreign country
– What does her family think about her travel life
– Her recommendation for travel spots for students of color
– Her message to parents of color in regards to student of color and travel
– What is up next

You can connect with Dr. Anderson via:

The Color Of Language
Black Away From Home
Bilingual Brown Babies – Twitter
Black Away From Home – Twitter
Bilingual Brown Babies – Instagram
Dr. Kami J. Anderson – Website
Bilingual Brown Babies – Website

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

Dr. John Izzo is the bestselling author of seven books including the international bestsellers Awakening Corporate SoulValues ShiftThe Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You DieThe Five Thieves of Happiness and Stepping Up.

John’s passion in helping organizations activate purpose with employees and customers has inspired him to write his 8th book, The Purpose Revolution: How Leaders Create Engagement and Competitive Advantage in an Age of Social Good, to be released March 13, 2018.

Over the last twenty years he has spoken to over one million people, taught at three major universities, advised over 500 organizations and is frequently featured in the media by the likes of Fast CompanyPBSCBC, the Wall Street JournalCNN, and INC Magazine. He has advised some of the best companies in the world on activating purpose including DuPontTELUSManulifeMcDonald’sSAPARBCLockheed MartinQantas AirlinesHumanaMicrosoft, and the Mayo Clinic.

John was a pioneer in the Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability movements and is an Adjunct professor at the University of British Columbia where he is a co-founder of The Men’s Initiative which is dedicated to creating a more “equitable, compassionate and sustainable world through enhancing the wellbeing and integrity of men.” John also serves on the Advisory Board of Sustainable Brands.

Recently, Dr. Izzo was live on our show talking about Fathers Without Boarders.

During our conversation, Dr. Izzo talked about:

– Life growing up in New York deciding whether to be journalist, a politician or become become an ordained Presbyterian minister
– Life being a minister for eight years and why he transitioned to a life where he combines all three of his dreams
– the impact of his mother who raised him as a single mother and a specific minister had on his life
– What caused him to look deeper into manhood
– The story behind the Men’s Initiative
– The importance of a man’s relationship with his father and its impact
– The impact of the absence of a father in a man’s life
– The effect that the changing role of a father is having on fathers and society
– What are fathers telling him about the challenges they are facing
– The fact that more young fathers are willing to be vulnerable
– The shaming of male attributes versus the shaming of bad male behaviour
– The need to do human work for men to be better
– The challenge of men seeing the need to do work on themselves for men to “pop the cork”
– A great closing story to encourage men

You can find out more about Dr. John Izzo via:

The Men’s Initiative
The Men’s Initiative – Twitter

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

Dr. Vibe and Jonathan "Juiceman" Shaw along with special guest Andre Findley have a conversation about the challenges that many Black families and children have when dealing with social services agencies and foster care.