The Dr. Vibe Show™

Aisha K. Staggers had her first major publication, an album review, in The New Haven Register while just a sophomore in high school. Another series of reviews published in The Hartford Courant followed. By the time she reached college, Aisha was writing for the literary magazine and interning at a local radio station, ABC-affiliate as a writer in the news department and in the A&R department of an independent record company.

As a graduate student at Fisk University, Aisha asked Dr. Raymond Winbush to chair her thesis because 1) he was one of the most renowned voices in black culture and academia, and 2) he was a Prince fan. His scholarship and guidance led Aisha to an early career as a professor of social sciences and later an administrator in higher education.

Aisha has also served as a director of education and policy research centers and on the staff of legislative commissions. She previously served on the Executive Board of the CT Young Democrats’ Women’s Caucus, an avid campaigner and has remained active in politics and public policy.

Jill Jones is our special guest for this conversation. Ms. Jones is activist, feminist, former collaborator with Paisley Park.

During the October 26, 2019 episode of Staggers State Of Things, the ladies talked about:

– The GOP coup at SCIF
– 45 goes to an HBCU and saying that he is being lynched
– Democrats say White House is interfering as Russia review becomes a criminal case
– Judge says the United States Justice Department must give House evidence from Mueller grand jury, citing ‘potentially impeachable conduct’
– Mark Zuckerberg answering questions at Congress hearing

You can find more about Ms. Staggers via:

Atlanta Black Star
YouTube – I Wish U Heaven – Prince Tribute Playlist

You can find out more about Ms. Jones via:


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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

Race, Work, and Leadership is a rare and important compilation of essays that examines how race matters in people’s experience of work and leadership. What does it mean to be black in corporate America today? How are racial dynamics in organizations changing? How do we build inclusive organizations?

Recently, Laura Morgan Roberts and Tony Mayo, two of the three editors of Race, Work and Leadership were on our show.

During our conversation, Ms. Roberts and Mr. Mayo talked about:

– Some of their backgrounds and how they ended up working together
– The story behind the book
– An historical perspective on race, work and leadership in the American workforce … What has changed? What has not changed?
– The effect that affirmative action has had on race, work and leadership
– Today’s younger African Americans not having the same opportunities that younger African Americans had thirty years ago
– The status of diversity and inclusion in today’s professional work world and what can companies do to push it forward
– If affirmative action still necessary
– The effects that the wealth gap and affirmative action has on race, work and leadership
– Glass ceiling vs. glass cliff
– What African Americans want from the corporate environment
– Why are companies resisting more African American leadership in the workplace
– What role do white men and women have in preventing the advancement of African Americans in the workplace
– What needs to be done to make progress with this topic

Laura Morgan Roberts is a Professor of Practice at the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business and a visiting scholar at Harvard Business School’s Gender Initiative. A thought leader in diversity, inclusion, authenticity and identity development, she is the coeditor of Positive Identities and Organizations and Positive Organizing in a Global Society, and the author of numerous research articles, teaching cases, and practitioner-oriented tools, including influential Harvard Business Review articles.

You can find out more information about Ms. Morgan Roberts via:

University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business

Tony Mayo is the Thomas S. Murphy Senior Lecturer of Business Administration in the Organizational Behavior Unit of Harvard Business School. With Nitin Nohria, he is the coauthor of In Their Time and Paths to Power, both published by Harvard Business Review Press.

You can find out more about Mr. Mayo here.

You can find out more information about Race, Work And Leadership via:


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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

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Aisha K. Staggers had her first major publication, an album review, in The New Haven Register while just a sophomore in high school. Another series of reviews published in The Hartford Courant followed. By the time she reached college, Aisha was writing for the literary magazine and interning at a local radio station, ABC-affiliate as a writer in the news department and in the A&R department of an independent record company.

As a graduate student at Fisk University, Aisha asked Dr. Raymond Winbush to chair her thesis because 1) he was one of the most renowned voices in black culture and academia, and 2) he was a Prince fan. His scholarship and guidance led Aisha to an early career as a professor of social sciences and later an administrator in higher education.

Aisha has also served as a director of education and policy research centers and on the staff of legislative commissions. She previously served on the Executive Board of the CT Young Democrats’ Women’s Caucus, an avid campaigner and has remained active in politics and public policy.

Jill Jones is our special guest for this conversation. Ms. Jones is activist, feminist, former collaborator with Paisley Park.

During the October 18, 2019 edition of Staggers State Of Things, the ladies about :

– Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, said the U.S. froze aid partly to pressure Ukraine to investigate Democrats. He undercut President Trump’s denials of a quid pro quo
– Rudy Giuliani and all he has going on
– 45 deciding to pull out of Syria
– 45 planning to have the next G7 summit at one of his resorts
– Atatiana Jefferson shooting
– Elijah Cummings passing away

You can find more about Ms. Staggers via:

Atlanta Black Star
YouTube – I Wish U Heaven – Prince Tribute Playlist

You can find out more about Ms. Jones via:


Visit The Dr. Vibe Show™ at

Please feel free to email The Dr. Vibe Show™ at

Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook Fan page here

God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

Dr. Joan Cook is a clinical psychologist and Associate Professor in the Yale School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry. She has over 100 peer-reviewed publications and has served as the principal investigator on seven federally-funded grants. Dr. Cook has worked clinically with a range of trauma survivors, including combat veterans and former prisoners of war, men and women who have been physically and sexually assaulted in childhood and adulthood, and survivors of the 2001 terrorist attack on the former World Trade Center. She was a member of the American Psychological Association (APA) Guideline Development Panel for the Treatment of PTSD and the 2016 President of APA’s Division of Trauma Psychology. Since October 2015, she has been writing for a wider audience and has published over 70 op-eds on mental health in places like CNNTIME IdeasThe Washington Post and The Hill.

Recently, Dr. Cook was on our showtalking about her op-ed When Men Are Sexually Abused in the Military.

During our conversation, Dr. Cook talked about:

– Some of her background including how psychology and trauma came naturally to her and specially working with men from the military
– Some of the things that the public should know about men who suffer trauma because of sexual abuse
– Why are we are not hearing about men in the military and sexual abuse and why more men are more willing to talk about being sexual abused 
– The impact on how boys and men that socialization have on this topic
– Some of the common challenges that these men are dealing with
– The impact of masculinity on this men who are sexually abused
– A success story and some of the seeds that she has planted

You can contact Dr. Cook via:

Peers For Men Health Study

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

Born in Detroit, raised in Westport, Connecticut and educated in Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia, Seanne N. Murray, otherwise known as SNM, The Voice for Good aspired to be a writer from the early age of seven. She’s authored several publications including her first book, The Art of Submission, The Woman’s Guide to Fulfillment, was an editor of the Political and Civil Rights Law Review at Temple University School of Law and chaired a panel on clean drinking water at Harvard Law School. Since 2001, following the terror she endured on 9/11, she’s been devoted to exploring and understanding the interconnectedness, or oneness, as she calls it, of humanity. Seanne is the founder of Seanne N. Murray Enterprises, LLC90 Minutes of SolutionsThe Ara Initiative and the writer, creator and executive producer of the upcoming feature film, Chicago 1919.

Recently, Ms. Murray was live on our show talking about the upcoming feature film Chicago 1919. The film is about the Chicago race riot of 1919.

The Chicago race riot of 1919 was a major racial conflict that began in Chicago, Illinois, on July 27, 1919, and ended on August 3. During the riot, thirty-eight people died and over five hundred were injured. It is considered the worst of the approximately 25 riots during the Red Summer, so named because of the violence and fatalities across the nation. The combination of prolonged arson, looting, and murder made it the worst race riot in the history of Illinois.

During the conversation, Ms. Murray talked about:

– Some of her background including her great aunt being the co-founder of Motown Records, growing up in Detroit and Connecticut, growing up in a divided family and feeling isolated
– From being a lawyer to working on Wall Street
– Some lessons that she has learned along her journey
– Making a turn in her life after she surviving 9/11 and leaving Los Angeles to Miami just over a year ago
– Her commitment to fight against gun violence
– The story behind Chicago 1919 and where is project right now

You can contact Ms. Murray via:

The Ara Initiative – Facebook
The Art of Submission: The Woman’s Guide to Fulfillment – Amazon
The Art of Submission – Instagram

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

Direct download: THE_DR._VIBE_SHOW_-_SEANNE_N._MURRAY_-_CHICAGO_1919_-_OCTOBER_3_-_2019.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:35pm EST

Jordana Matlon is an Assistant Professor at the School of International Service at American University. Prior to that, Ms. Matlon was a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse. She received her PhD in Sociology from UC Berkeley.

Recently, Ms. Matlon was on our show talking about Black Masculinity Under Racial Capitalism.

During the conversation, Ms. Matlon talked about:

– Growing up in Francophone West Africa, living in eleven countries
– When did she become passionate about inequality
– The background behind the article
– Blackmen's place in the world of racial capitalism
– The only way Black men can succeed is view entrepreneurship
– Capitalism’s exploitation of Black people
– Her thoughts on the JayZ NFL partnership
– Black men being commodified bodies, as devalued laborers, fraught consumers, exploitable and excludable
– China using Chinese workers in Africa instead of African workers
– The effect that racial capitalism is having on Black masculinity and the state of Black masculinity
– What can Blacks do to break the racial capitalism bubble
– The response to the article

You can contact Ms. Matlon via:


Ms. Matlon’s selected publications:

2019. “Branded.” Boston Review, Racist Logic Forum 10(44.2):75-85
2016. “Racial capitalism and the crisis of black masculinity.” American Sociological Review 81(5):1014-1038
*Winner of the 2018 American Sociological Association’s Section on Global and Transnational Sociology Best Scholarly Article Award
*Winner of the 2018 American Sociological Association’s Section on Race, Gender, and Class Distinguished Article Award
*Honorable mention for the 2017 American Sociological Association’s Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities Oliver Cromwell Cox Article Award
2017. “The art of domination: On decolonizing the curriculum.” Black Perspectives

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

Baltimore native, David Miller, has received international acclaim for Dare to Be King: What If the Prince Lives. A Survival Workbook for African American Males, a thought provoking, 52-week curriculum teaching adolescent males how to survive and thrive in toxic environments.

In 2015, Miller collaborated with the SALT Project on a short video titled Get Home Safely (10 Rules of Survival if stopped by the Police). The groundbreaking video outlines steps for navigating police encounters, was nominated for an Emmy and has been featured by the BBC, NPR, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, Huffington Post U.S. & Canada and hundreds of other media outlets.

Armed with a Bachelor’s degree from The University of Baltimore and a Master’s degree from Goucher College, Miller frequently leads intergenerational conversations with men and boys focused on fatherhood, boyhood, parenting, mental health, managing anger, decision making, healthy relationships and alternatives to violence.

Currently, a Ph.D. student in the School of Social Work at Morgan State University, Miller has written several children’s books, including Khalil’s WayThe Green Family FarmGabe & His Green Thumb & They Look Like Me (coloring book). Other books he’s written include Lessons We Learned from Our Fathers, Raising Him Alone (Strategies for single mothers raising a male child) and Healing the Healer: Self-care Manual for Professionals in the Field (in press Spring 2020).

Miller is a consultant with the National Mentoring Resource Center (providing technical assistance to mentoring programs – an effort funded through The Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention and The National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse (providing technical assistance to federal initiatives for fathers and families).

Miller is married and raising three children in Washington, DC.

Recently, Mr. Miller was on our show talking about Parenting Black Children.

During the conversation, Mr. Miller talked about:

– Some of his background
– Memories of him being raised by his parents in a tough Baltimore neighbourhood experiencing trauma and loss
– Some of the values his parents instilled in him
– Realizing at a young age that he wanted to be a global citizen, the importance of reading and the importance of Black parenting especially parenting young Black men
– Some of the challenges parenting Black children today compared to when he was a child
– The impact of technology on parenting
– The importance of parents realizing that they are their child’s first teacher
– Parenting in America compared to parenting in Ghana

You can contact Mr. Miller via:

Dare To Be A King
Dare To Be A King – Facebook

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Please feel free to email The Dr. Vibe Show™ at

Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook fan page here

God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

Aisha K. Staggers had her first major publication, an album review, in The New Haven Register while just a sophomore in high school. Another series of reviews published in The Hartford Courant followed. By the time she reached college, Aisha was writing for the literary magazine and interning at a local radio station, ABC-affiliate as a writer in the news department and in the A&R department of an independent record company.

As a graduate student at Fisk University, Aisha asked Dr. Raymond Winbush to chair her thesis because 1) he was one of the most renowned voices in black culture and academia, and 2) he was a Prince fan. His scholarship and guidance led Aisha to an early career as a professor of social sciences and later an administrator in higher education.

Aisha has also served as a director of education and policy research centers and on the staff of legislative commissions. She previously served on the Executive Board of the CT Young Democrats’ Women’s Caucus, an avid campaigner and has remained active in politics and public policy.

Jill Jones is our special guest for this conversation. Ms. Jones is activist, feminist, former collaborator with Paisley Park.

During the October 4, 2019 edition of Staggers State Of Things, the ladies will be talked about:

– Ex-Dallas policewoman Amber Guyger sentenced to ten year’s for killing Botham Jean
– Impeachment inquiry in the United States
– A United States federal court upheld affirmative action at Harvard University
– Memories of the late Diahann Carroll

You can find more about Ms. Staggers via:

Atlanta Black Star
YouTube – I Wish U Heaven – Prince Tribute Playlist

You can find out more about Ms. Jones via:


Visit The Dr. Vibe Show™ at

Please feel free to email The Dr. Vibe Show™ at

Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook fan page here

God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe