The Dr. Vibe Show™

Aisha K. Staggers had her first major publication, an album review, in The New Haven Register while just a sophomore in high school. Another series of reviews published in The Hartford Courant followed. By the time she reached college, Aisha was writing for the literary magazine and interning at a local radio station, ABC-affiliate as a writer in the news department and in the A&R department of an independent record company.

As a graduate student at Fisk University, Aisha asked Dr. Raymond Winbush to chair her thesis because 1) he was one of the most renowned voices in black culture and academia, and 2) he was a Prince fan. His scholarship and guidance led Aisha to an early career as a professor of social sciences and later an administrator in higher education.

Aisha has also served as a director of education and policy research centers and on the staff of legislative commissions. She previously served on the Executive Board of the CT Young Democrats’ Women’s Caucus, an avid campaigner and has remained active in politics and public policy.

During the September 26, 2018 edition of Staggers State Of Things, Ms. Staggers talked about:

– Brett Kavanaugh’s United States Supreme Court hearings
– 45 at the United Nations
– Is United States Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein quitting or is he going to be fired?
– Bill Cosby and what is next for #MeToo

You can find more about Ms. Staggers via:

Atlanta Black Star
YouTube – I Wish U Heaven – Prince Tribute Playlist

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Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook fan page here

God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

Pamela D. Price is a woman on a mission. As a young girl, growing up in Texas, she saw firsthand the impact of social determinants of health and was determined to not only do better for herself but to help other along the way. In 2012, she started Priceless Vessels of Promise, a nonprofit aimed at developing and sustaining programs that educate, empower, and support young girls and women. As Executive Director, Ms. Price provides comprehensive community-based programs to local areas in the Richmond Virginia Metro area.

Mrs. Price has a worked in the public health profession for nearly 20 years having gained vast experiences in public health, healthcare, and community health. She has served as a member of the U.S. Army Nurse Corp and has excelled in both government and non-governmental agencies providing leadership and guidance on program management, quality improvement, and project development. Mrs. Price has conducted workshops and presented at national conferences to include The United States Conference on AIDS and the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. She also serves as a consultant to community-based organizations providing project development, management, and evaluation services.

Recently, Ms. Price was on our show talking about The increasing impacts of stress and anxiety on Black women.

During our conversation, Ms. Price talked about:

– Some of her background including growing up in Texas, being raised by her grandparents, joining the military right after finishing high school
– Memories of her grandparents and her mother
– sharing her relationship with her mother who faced addictions with her daughter
– What her experience in the army taught her, her decision to leave the army and her life after leaving the army
– why did she want to talk about this subject
– “The Strong And Stressed Black Woman” article
– The importance of self-care for Black women and the challenge that many Black women face in getting mental health care
– some of the challenges that many Black women face in the workplace
– Diversity and inclusion policies are not set up to help many Black women succeed
– “Black women are in a constant chronic stage of stress.”
– “Many Black women are in a stage of flight or fight”
– how she overcome two deaths in her family (one of them being her mom) during the earlier part of this year and her husband’s support during this time
– How churches have to do a better job helping their attendees
– Black women and racial and gender discrimination

You can find out more about Ms. Price via:

Priceless Enterprises

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

Janice Robinson-Celeste is a businesswoman, journalist, author, entrepreneur, mother, grandmother and is one of the original founders of Successful Black Parenting magazine.

She is a contributing writer for the Huffington Post, is a published author of two parenting books, Pride & Joy by Simon & Schuster and Making A Supermodel: A Parents’ Guide. Janice has a degree in Early Childhood Education and holds and a master’s degree in business. Formerly, the School Age Child Care (SACC) Coordinator for the Philadelphia area with the non-profit organization, Parents Union for Public Schools, she developed SACC programs throughout the city. She headed a $2m YMCA where she served as the Executive Branch Director in charge of operations for a new facility, including the NAEYC accredited child care program and summer camp. In addition, Janice held the title of Early Childhood Specialist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Child Guidance Center where she worked with parents who struggled with substance abuse challenges to guide them with the healthy development of their young children. Janice was also a preschool teacher and has taught children through high school.

At the age of 49, she held the title of Mrs. New Jersey United States 2015 and still competes in pageants to this day. She is the mother of three successful adult daughters, including international supermodel, Sessilee Lopez.

Recently, Mrs. Robinson-Celeste was on our show talking about Back To School.

During our conversation, Mrs. Robinson-Celeste talked about:

– Some of the magazine’s background, some of her background and the news about the magazine recently winning two awards and moving to California
– What should parents buy for their kids and for teachers for back to school
– Her thoughts on teachers having to spend money out of their own pockets for supplies
– Teachers low salaries
– Being a single parent approaching the school year
– What questions do parents need to ask their children and what they need to do to be involved with their child(ren) school
– Parents having a schedule for their child(ren) during the school year and good relationship with their daycare if they use one
– Best practices for teachers
– What has made the teaching profession more challenging over the years
– The impact of digital devices in the classroom and how to deal with it
– Her thoughts on how the education system is serving parents and students
– The importance of knowing your child(ren) friends and their parents

You can find out more about Successful Black Parenting Magazine via:


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Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook fan page here

God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

Aisha K. Staggers had her first major publication, an album review, in The New Haven Register while just a sophomore in high school. Another series of reviews published in The Hartford Courant followed. By the time she reached college, Aisha was writing for the literary magazine and interning at a local radio station, ABC-affiliate as a writer in the news department and in the A&R department of an independent record company.

As a graduate student at Fisk University, Aisha asked Dr. Raymond Winbush to chair her thesis because 1) he was one of the most renowned voices in black culture and academia, and 2) he was a Prince fan. His scholarship and guidance led Aisha to an early career as a professor of social sciences and later an administrator in higher education.

Aisha has also served as a director of education and policy research centers and on the staff of legislative commissions. She previously served on the Executive Board of the CT Young Democrats’ Women’s Caucus, an avid campaigner and has remained active in politics and public policy.

During the September 19, 2018 edition of Staggers State Of Things, Ms. Staggers talked about:

The topics that Ms. Staggers with be talking about will be:

– 45 in South Carolina to view the damage by Hurricane Florence
– Brett Kavanaugh United States Supreme Court nomination
– Sarah Sanders antiquated thinking
– The upcoming book by Stormy Daniels
– Botham Jean killed by a Dallas white female police officer

You can find more about Ms. Staggers via:

Atlanta Black Star
YouTube – I Wish U Heaven – Prince Tribute Playlist

Visit our website at

Please feel free to email us at

Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook fan page here

God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

Alexander Williams is a writer from Lancaster, California with a Bachelor of Arts in Literature and years of experience educating youth in the Bay Area. His essays have been featured on the Huffington Post and his first full-length novel, “Camp,” will be available on Amazon in the winter of 2019. Alexander is a highly motivated artist striving to foster the education of those that come from disadvantaged communities and give a voice to marginalized people. You can follow him on Twitter @DantheMalformed .

Recently, Mr. Williams was on our show talking about his article Artistic Catharsis- A Look Inside Black Masculinity.

During our conversation, Mr. Williams talked about:

– What is going on with him including the writing of a novel and working on getting into graduate school
– The story behind the article
– How some Black men are looked down upon for pursuing the arts and the stereotype(s) that come with it
– The stereotypes with being of mixed race and how did he and does he handle it
– How the racism he deals with effects his masculinity
– Why did reference Tupac Sukur in this article
– Why are Black men still experiencing the duality of racism and masculinity
– The effect of hip hop and Black women on the duality
– The conversations he has with his brother about the duality
– His suggestion on how Black men can deal with the duality
– The difference between Black masculinity and White masculinity

You can contact Mr. Williams via:


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Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook fan page at “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook Fan Page

God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

Aisha K. Staggers had her first major publication, an album review, in The New Haven Register while just a sophomore in high school. Another series of reviews published in The Hartford Courant followed. By the time she reached college, Aisha was writing for the literary magazine and interning at a local radio station, ABC-affiliate as a writer in the news department and in the A&R department of an independent record company.

As a graduate student at Fisk University, Aisha asked Dr. Raymond Winbush to chair her thesis because 1) he was one of the most renowned voices in black culture and academia, and 2) he was a Prince fan. His scholarship and guidance led Aisha to an early career as a professor of social sciences and later an administrator in higher education.

Aisha has also served as a director of education and policy research centers and on the staff of legislative commissions. She previously served on the Executive Board of the CT Young Democrats’ Women’s Caucus, an avid campaigner and has remained active in politics and public policy.

During the September 12, 2018 edition of Staggers State Of Things, Ms. Staggers talked about:

– Aretha Franklin’s funeral
– The New York Time’s I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration anonymous op-ed
– Bob Woodward’s book about 45’s presidency
– Kamala Harris, Cory Booker during Brett Kavanaugh’s US Supreme Court hearings
– Michelle Obama’s upcoming book Becoming
– The opiod problem while she lives (117 overdoses in one day)
– Serena Williams and her outburst at the US Open
– Andrew Gillum winning the Democratic nomination for Governor of Florida, Ayanna Pressley’s winning the primary for Massachusetts’ 7th Congressional District and what the Democratic party needs to win the upcoming midterm and presidential elections in America
– The need for youth to be more involved in politics more than just voting
– Nike’s 30th anniversary ad

You can find more about Ms. Staggers via:

Atlanta Black Star
YouTube – I Wish U Heaven – Prince Tribute Playlist

Visit our website at

Please feel free to email us at

Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook fan page here

God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

The panelists for last Sunday’s show were: Jonathan Shaw and Melvin Lars.

The panelists commented on the follow stories:

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Lawyers “Disgusted” That Search Warrant Claiming Marijuana Found In Botham Jean’s Apartment Released On The Day Of Funeral

The Dr. Vibe Show™: How Stay-At-Home Dads Are Redefining Manhood

The Dr. Vibe Show™: ‘Low IQ,’ ‘SPECTACULAR,’ ‘Dog’ – How Trump Tweets About African-Americans

The Dr. Vibe Show™: The Risky Business Of Branding Black Pain

The Dr. Vibe Show™: People Of Color Are Still Being Locked Out Of The Democratic Process

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:37am EST

On Saturday, September 15, 2018, Dr. Vibe hosted the conversation Black Fathers And Child Custody – Part One on Black Men Talking on WJMS Radio. The panelists were: Jonathan ShawHenri Morris and Melvin Lars.

During the conversation, the following topics were discussed:

– Three stigmas attributed to Black men it regards to child support
– Many Black men are frustrated by the process and need to know their rights when it comes to child support
– Are the rules and regulations in regards to Black fathers and child custody the same in Canada and America
– Some best practices for Black fathers who are dealing with child custody
– “I love being a father but I so hate fatherhood.” Henri Morris
– – “Using your penis is expensive so make sure you know who you are using it with.” Jonathan Shaw

You can contact Jonathan Shaw via:


You can contact Henri Morris via:


You can contact Melvin Lars via:

Dying On My Feet

To find out more information about WJMS Radio via:


Listen to WJMS anytime, anywhere with your iPhoneiPod TouchiPad, & Android device, by downloading Live365 and adding WJMS Radio as a favorite!

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe


Serena Wills is a native New Yorker and currently resides in the Washington, DC area. She holds a BA in Policy Studies from Syracuse University an MPA from Virginia Tech and studying for her MA in Health and Wellness Coaching. She’s a nonprofit guru, a published author and spoken word artist. Her previous publications include her first poetry book titled, Reconstruction, Pieces of Life, Volume 1 was released in 2014 and is available on her websiteAmazon and Barnes and Noble. She’s also published in numerous anthologies and is a contributing writer/health and wellness blogger for online magazines and websites.

Serena is a mother to her beautiful son and is an advocate for Ovarian Cancer, GYN Cancers, HIV/AIDS, Lymphoma and Lyme Disease research and is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc..

You can contact Ms. Wills via:


Tara Lessard’s Story …

It was August 2015. I spent a lot of time crying by the Delaware River, just blocks from my Morrisville, Pennsylvania home. I suffered from acid reflux for a year and knew something more was wrong but didn’t know what it was. I tried diet modification, sleeping sitting up and natural remedies to no avail. I finally went to a local hospital ER in September after having extreme pain in my stomach with immense amount of pressure when I sat down. They did a CT scan and quickly admitted me to the hospital where I was told the gynecologist would provide results the next day and family should be present. It was then the doctor shared I had stage 4 ovarian cancer and there was nothing they could do for me. I was in shock. No one in my family had cancer.

I ended up starting treatment at a nearby cancer hospital. They said I was a textbook case and recommended chemotherapy and surgery – and said I would be fine. I didn’t get a sense they knew me or cared about my concerns. They didn’t see me as a unique individual.

I reached out to Cancer Treatment Centers of America after my sister researched other options. Unfortunately, I was too sick to travel, so I treated closer to home at another cancer center and underwent an aggressive plan given the cancer growth beyond the ovaries. I had debilitating pain, eventually leading to use of a wheelchair. After a few months, I learned the disease metastasized to my spleen. Doctors said I probably had two years to live. I was in my mid-40s and wanted more. I went back into research mode, consulting with multiple, well-known facilities who all said the same thing. That’s when I picked up the phone and followed through with CTCA to get another opinion.

Tara’s CTCA Experience

In March 2017, I flew to CTCA in Atlanta and met with Dr. Geisler who said, “Your cancer is my priority.” He explained he would remove the spleen and any other evidence of the disease. After surgery, I would undergo six rounds of chemotherapy and was a good candidate for a new immunotherapy drug.

I instantly loved my team and had faith in Dr. Geisler.

By late April, I was set for surgery, but got extremely sick and was admitted to the local hospital for obstructed bowel. Once released, I couldn’t eat or drink, so I went to another hospital for three weeks. They told me they wanted to operate, but I refused. I knew I needed to get back to CTCA. The doctors put in a central line for TPN, so my mom, sister and I hired a medical transport van and drove down to Atlanta so I could have surgery there.

Surgery was intense, involving my spleen, pieces of my small bowel and more. It was successful. A week later, I went back for emergency surgery followed by an extended hospital stay. The care was amazing. Everyone from Nursing, Transportation, Pastoral Care and Cancer Fighters spent time with us. Dr. Rosenberg performed adjustments to help my back, Dr. Johnson helped my side effects with acupuncture, and Physical Therapy ensured I got up to walk. After discharge, I returned to CTCA every three weeks for chemo and received my last treatment on my 45th birthday. My CA levels drastically decreased…and I remain cancer free.

I am so grateful for the entire staff at CTCA. My mom and I are now patient and caregiver advocates. We love our changing roles in this journey and are so happy we can give back by helping others. I am so grateful not to be just living, but thriving.

Additional Information:
● I live in Morrisville, Pennsylvania (north of Philadelphia)
● I love cooking, photography, making jewelry and painting
● I’m currently in a scholarship program for The Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia (home to one of the world’s greatest collections of impressionist, post-impressionist and early modern paintings)
● Mom and I love being Cancer Fighter Care Net (CFCN) volunteers

You can contact Ms. Lessard via:


Recently, Serena and Tara were on our show talking about ovarian cancer. During the conversation, they talked about:

– Some of their backgrounds
– Ovarian cancer and best practices in dealing with it
– Serena sharing about her mother having ovarian cancer and eventually passing away
– Tara dealing with ovarian cancer at this time
– Where are both getting their strength from and how did they meet
– How the treatment for ovarian cancer advanced over the years and how to prevent/diagnose ovarian cancer
– The cost of treatment
– Increased awareness about ovarian cancer
– What would they like to see happen in regards to combating ovarian cancer
– how to deal with the loss of a loved one due ovarian cancer

You can find out more about ovarian cancer from these American organizations:

National Ovarian Cancer Coalition

SHARE Cancer Support

Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Alliance

Magenta Study

Nell’d It

Cancer Treatment Centers of America


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Awareness Association (PCSOAA)

Stand Up To Cancer

American Cancer Society

You can find out more about ovarian cancer from this Canadian organization:

Ovarian Cancer Canada

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe "demolishing the digital divide and raising the level of consciousness", The Prime Minister of Pertinent Information, Connector, Producer and Host of the award winning The Dr. Vibe Show™ - The Home Of Epic Conversations™, Digital Curator, Digital Publisher

Aim bigger. Aim better. Aim higher. Aim wider.

The panelists for last Sunday’s show were: Melvin Lars and Ikey Raw .

The panelists discussed the following stories:

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Trump Wants DOJ To Investigate ‘Resistance’ Writer As a Matter of National Security

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Nike’s Ad Featuring Colin Kaepernick Isn’t Risky At All; It’s Business

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Aretha Franklin’s Funeral Service – Remembering The Queen Of Soul’s Beautiful Life

The Dr. Vibe Show™: For Black Boys And Girls With Absent Fathers, The Pain Is The Same, But Here’s Why The Support Isn’t

The Dr. Vibe Show™: We Still Can’t Breathe, And The Air Is Getting Thicker

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Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook fan page here

God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

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Category:general -- posted at: 10:03am EST